The following is a paying literary market that accepts translated work. For more markets of this type, see my new e-book for creative writers and translators, which lists 350 PAYING literary markets with a diverse selection of publications that are waiting to publish your creative works, including translations of poetry, fiction, memoirs, essays, and other works of creative non-fiction!

Market Name: Samovar




  • Speculative fiction in translation

  • Review-essays related to speculative fiction

  • Interviews/conversations

What the guidelines say about translation:

“In each issue, Samovar prints at least one short story newly translated into English, one reprint of a previously published fiction translation, and a translated poem. In all cases, the English-language versions will be accompanied by the original-language versions.”

“We want excellent speculative fiction stories, and strong poems, in translation!”

What the guidelines say about payment:

“For newly translated stories, accompanied by the original-language version, we pay 8 US cents per word to the author, and 8 US cents per word to the translator.”

“For reprints of translated stories, accompanied by the original-language version, we pay a flat US$100 to the author and US$100 to the translator, regardless of word-count.”

“For poetry we pay US$40 to the author and US$40 to the translator.”

“For review-essays, we pay US$40 regardless of final word count.”

“For interview/conversations, we pay each participant US$40 regardless of final word count. If the interview/conversation is translated into English, we pay the translator US$40 regardless of final word count.”

Note: All information was current at the time of publication but is subject to change. Check with publication for relevant updates.

More Access to Paying Literary Markets for Creative Writers & Translators:

More Resources for Writers & Translators